Lower back pain can really get in the way of your daily life. You may even find yourself unable to do your responsibilities and complete simple tasks because the disabling pain doesn’t let you move much. Fortunately, you can count on chiropractors and sports medicine doctors to recommend the appropriate lower back pain treatment for
Read MoreLower Back Pain
Backache: Prevention and Treatment Options
Backache is an uncomfortable and sometimes debilitating condition that can be dull, sharp, stabbing, throbbing, or searing. It is one of the most common reasons for missed work and visits to the doctor, as an estimated 75% to 85% of Americans have a backache at some point in their lifetime, and nearly 50% experience more
Read MoreA Guide to Chiropractic Massage for Beginners
Sports injury, back pain, headaches, and arthritis are just some of the many conditions that could greatly benefit from getting a chiropractic massage. If you have just heard about chiropractic massage and you want to learn more about it, here’s a quick guide to help you understand how it works, its benefits, and its different
Read MoreHow Do I Know If My Back Pain Is Serious?
Back pain can be a huge hassle in your daily life. If the pain intensifies, it may even cause you to miss out on important events. Many people try to endure the pain and wait for it to subside. However, severe or chronic cases of Back pain merit a visit to a medical professional. Here’s
Read More10 Active Release Technique Benefits
Active Release Technique (ART) is a type of tissue massage therapy provided by physical therapists and chiropractors. The goal of ART is to relieve tension in the muscles and tissues, and the removal of adhesions that are often a result of repetitive use or trauma. Tension and scar adhesions can cause pain and stiffness throughout
Read MoreWhat Can I Do to Help Ease My Back Pain?
Whether it’s from overexertion, injury, or an underlying medical condition, back pain can significantly impact physical performance and affect your quality of life. Many athletes typically believe chronic pain is an inevitable consequence of their lifestyle and work. What they don’t know is that modern treatment can drastically reduce pain from long-lasting injuries. Many things
Read MoreAcupuncture and Dry Needling for Lower Back Pain
Are you suffering from low back pain? If so, you’re not alone: It is estimated that 84% of American adults report low back pain at some point during their lives. Low back pain is classified as acute (lasting less than a month), subacute (lasting between one and three months), and chronic (lasting more than three
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