Dry Needling
DRY NEEDLING is an extremely effective technique that uses a very fine acupuncture needle to “deactivate” or “shut down” painful or knotted areas in your muscles. Many of us have areas in our body that feel tense all the time or feel like a hard ball in the muscle. By inserting fine needles into these tight areas, we elicit a “twitch response” or a brief contraction followed by an immediate and long lasting relaxation. Because the needle can treat very deep parts of the muscle, the technique can achieve amazing pain relief that you never thought was possible.
It may be accompanied be a little pain during the initial muscle contraction, but any lingering discomfort is typically minor, and the soreness tends to abate within two hours to two days following treatment.
If dry needling sounds vaguely like acupuncture, there is a key difference. Unlike acupuncture, dry needling follows medical science-based guidelines to target and unknot muscles at specific trigger points. This can alleviate pain that is caused elsewhere in the body.
This procedure is proven effective in treating patients with:
- Arthritis
- Headaches
- Herniated discs
- Knee pain
- Muscle strains
- Nerve disorders
- Plantar fasciitis
- Rotator cuff syndrome
- Sciatica
- TMJ disorder
Dry Needling in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas
At Reagan Integrated Sports Medicine in Dallas, Texas, our highly and experienced chiropractic and sports medicine therapists find that dry needling is most successful in treating chronic pain when used in conjunction with other physical therapy treatments.
To learn more about treatment and whether it can help relieve your chronic pain, call us today at (972) 503-7272 and schedule an evaluation. You can also use our convenient online Scheduling App and book now!
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